Monday, January 31, 2011

The Rose Period of Picasso

The Rose Period of Picasso was from 1904 to 1906, which is the period after his Blue Period. He used orange, pink color and circus people to present happy and cheery feelings, which was very different from his Blue Period.

In this period, he met a model for sculptors and artists who call Fernande Olivier and have a warm relationship with her. These warm and happy feelings were showed in his painting.

Boy with pipe, 1905
This painting call “Boy With A Pipe”. Picasso painted it in 1905 and it was cost $104,000,000 in at that moment. Picasso used a lot of colorful flowers in it’s background and put a flower crowd on the boy’s head to create the peaceful feeling.

Family of acrobats with monkey, 1905
This painting call “Family of acrobats with monkey”. Picasso painted it in 1905. In this painting, a woman holding her baby in her arms and her husband sit next her. A monkey sit next to them and look at them peacefully.

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