Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Day

This photo was taken on 15th SEP near darling harbour and that month is my second month after I came to Sydney. People whose in the photo were my friends in english school. They are young and full of energy, ready for  a new start, in a new place and new journey.

For me, a 30 years old man who is starting a new journey and a new career but it is 10 years late from them. I left my family, my love, my friends and my career behind and come to a place that I don't know. This is not coincidence. I am not here by randomisation. There had thousand of things that could happen to change my choices but none of them had happened within these years.

Now I am here, I am looking at the sunset of Sydney, behind my new friends. I don't have their youth and energy since I had tired out by illness and things but I need to finish my duty here. I need to wait, prepare and think ... what's next and beyond .... just like 25 years ago....

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