Tuesday, December 7, 2010

House of Meina Ch1

“I am freezing! “
My car crashes into a tree, in the middle of a highway and surrounded by snow but nothing else. I can’t see any other cars or any living things nearby in this mid night. 
“I can’t stay here anymore. I have to do something or I will be die”
I try to clear my eyes and search thought the twisted glass. It is not easy because the snow is blowing into my eye but I have to try.
“What is that the big shadow inside the woods?”
I see a shadow that it’s sharp just looks like a house, which is behind those woods.
“I have to go there!”
I climb over the broken windows and move my body out of the car. I am walking slowly toward to shadow with no feeling on my feets or arms. The snow is hitting me badly and I start to think if I fall down, this will be my end. If that is not a house, this will be my end too.
“That’s great! I see something but what is this?”
I see a huge building in front of me but it is looks really like a castle more than a house. A unlocked gate and a old style wall surround the castle and they are 3 times of my high and all black in colour, but those are not what i am caring about now. I push the gate and move on.
“Good! Here is the door!”
The door is about 3m high and black in colour too. It looks like that the owner likes black colour very much. I knock the door as hard as i can since i am freezing and nearly pass out.
“Knock! Knock!”
“Anyone here? Help me please!”
I hear some sound of foot steps come from the other side of the door but the sound is very strong and big. It looks like some rock is hitting the floor hardly. The sound had stopped when it reaches the door and the door opens slowly.
“Come in!”
A loveIy voice come from direction of the door. Behind that door I see a young girl with a long red hair and black eye, dressing up like 17th century party but she just looks like 20 years old.
“Thank you!”
I move my tried body into the castle. The first room i see is a sitting room with a fireplace which decorate with some blue stone birds fly on it but i cant find any chair or sofa that i can have a rest”
“Sleep first...”
Those are the last words that I can hear. After that, I fall down on the floor and pass out.

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