Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2 story

Moon Man

Moon Man is a story tell us about how the moon is in the sky and it has a full moon every month.

The story is start by a man call moon who has 2 sons. They promised his father that they will bring back fishes from river but they ate all the fishes at the end. Moon was very angry about that and kill both of them. After they were killed, their mother set  a fire and wanted to kill moon. Moon became a fire ball then  fly to the sky and became the moon.

Bat and Butterfly

Bat and Butterfly is a story tell us about will bat like to caught butterfly and will bat live in the cave.

The story is about a warrior and a girl. The warrior was in love with a girl then he him kidnaped her in a cave. The girl cried for and and her family found her but she could not get out because the entry was block by rock. So, the girl turned herself into a butterfly and escaped. The warrior turn himself into a bat and try to follow but could not because the entry was blocked by the girl's family. So, he stayed in the cave.

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