Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 1

Live in week 1 was a little bit busy and disorder for me since all the classes are new to me and design is not a subject that I good at it but this is the reason why I want to study design.

Design Thinking
I need to use 4 square to present orderincreaseboldcongestedtensionplayful. Tension and playful are the parts that I like most because i like the feeling of motion and happy.

Computer Skills
We had a introduction of some design programs, for example Illustrator and Photoshop and I am starting to learn some tools of them. One for the tools is call pen tool which is a funny tool since it can create many kinds of sharp. Working on computer programs are not very hard for me because I was a programmer.

Portfolio Skills
This was my first time to know somethings about Portfolio which is new to me since i had not seem any before, but after I had some introduction and samples which were made by other student. I am having a better view now.

Hand Skills
In the first lesson I worked on ink painting but I brought wrong kinds of papers which are too smooth and could not absorb the ink, so i had to get a new one. Besides the problem with the pagers, i got another problem which is I could not draw what I had in my mind since I could not control my hand smoothly but i think try and practice can overcome the problem.

English is one of my worst skill that i need to improve since grammar and vocabularies are very difficult to me and I have a problem with the spelling too but I think read and write more will be help. I had made two presentation in the class and I was trying to make it more creative so that I can share creativity with other classmates and my classmates had good idea too. I had learn a lot.

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