Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2 story

Moon Man

Moon Man is a story tell us about how the moon is in the sky and it has a full moon every month.

The story is start by a man call moon who has 2 sons. They promised his father that they will bring back fishes from river but they ate all the fishes at the end. Moon was very angry about that and kill both of them. After they were killed, their mother set  a fire and wanted to kill moon. Moon became a fire ball then  fly to the sky and became the moon.

Bat and Butterfly

Bat and Butterfly is a story tell us about will bat like to caught butterfly and will bat live in the cave.

The story is about a warrior and a girl. The warrior was in love with a girl then he him kidnaped her in a cave. The girl cried for and and her family found her but she could not get out because the entry was block by rock. So, the girl turned herself into a butterfly and escaped. The warrior turn himself into a bat and try to follow but could not because the entry was blocked by the girl's family. So, he stayed in the cave.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Old Guitarist, Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1903

This painting was created by Picasso around 1901 to 1904. This is The Blue Period of his paintings which were presenting sadness and hopeless feelings by the color blue. His subjects are poor people, prostitutes and beggars.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

After visited sculpture by the sea

This photo was taken this afternoon. The colour was darker then the one that I found on the web page. If we have a close up. We can find that he has 2 pairs of eyes, hands and foot. The motion of anger is much more then before.

I like faces and body presenting because them can tell story and feeling. So this one is impacting me. Two faces is looking at two different direction, man and woman, young and old, strong and weak, happy and sad.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Before visit sculpture by the sea

I like this one because i can feel the motion of this man from his face and hands. We can see the tension on his face with his opened mouth. It makes him looks like he is shouting. His hands are facing up can show his anger.

I like this one because it gives me the feeling of new age. It's sharp is not normal and it has many angles which are making me feel the breaking of the laws.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 1

Live in week 1 was a little bit busy and disorder for me since all the classes are new to me and design is not a subject that I good at it but this is the reason why I want to study design.

Design Thinking
I need to use 4 square to present orderincreaseboldcongestedtensionplayful. Tension and playful are the parts that I like most because i like the feeling of motion and happy.

Computer Skills
We had a introduction of some design programs, for example Illustrator and Photoshop and I am starting to learn some tools of them. One for the tools is call pen tool which is a funny tool since it can create many kinds of sharp. Working on computer programs are not very hard for me because I was a programmer.

Portfolio Skills
This was my first time to know somethings about Portfolio which is new to me since i had not seem any before, but after I had some introduction and samples which were made by other student. I am having a better view now.

Hand Skills
In the first lesson I worked on ink painting but I brought wrong kinds of papers which are too smooth and could not absorb the ink, so i had to get a new one. Besides the problem with the pagers, i got another problem which is I could not draw what I had in my mind since I could not control my hand smoothly but i think try and practice can overcome the problem.

English is one of my worst skill that i need to improve since grammar and vocabularies are very difficult to me and I have a problem with the spelling too but I think read and write more will be help. I had made two presentation in the class and I was trying to make it more creative so that I can share creativity with other classmates and my classmates had good idea too. I had learn a lot.